Friday, June 27, 2008


A sigle Tooth Implant

A Single-Tooth Implant:
The ProcedureRestoring the mouth with a dental implant is accomplished in two phases.

The first phase is the surgical placement of the implant. It is left under the gums for several months so the bone can attach to it.

After healing, the second phase begins; the implant is re-exposed, and the new crown is made. For the surgical placement of the implant, you will be given nitrous oxide or intravenous sedation to relax you. Then your mouth is numbed. An incision is made in the gums and a hole is made in the bone to receive the implant.

After the implant is snugly in place, the gums are closed over the implant with a stitch or two. Over the course of the next few months, the implant attaches securely to the bone.The second phase starts with surgical exposure of the implant. Another incision is made in the gums and a small extension is placed to raise it above the gum line. Your dentist will then begin a series of appointments to create your new crown.

Though some of the steps might be different in your case, they usually include making impressions of your mouth. From these impressions, your dentist will make precise working models of your mouth, which are carefully mounted for proper alignment. The last step is the placement of the new crown. The success of the implant depends on the care you provide at home, and the support you receive through regular checkups and cleanings.

The first step is to replace missing tooth roots by placing titanium implant. The implant will remain covered underneath the gum for approximately three to six months.

The second step of the procedure involves uncovering the implant and attaching an extension. This completes the foundation on which your new tooth will be placed.

The final step is the placement of your new tooth. With techniques that ensure optimal size, shape, color and fit, these replacement.


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